6:24 PM

I fell automatically in love with this little fellow with cute round paw-paws. He is the loyal companion of a dear friend, Bahanur, who captured this beautiful combination of cats and letters.
I asked her to share three things with all of us, and she was glad she had the opportunity. But it is me who thanks her for being such an amazing young lady.

Snail mail is... A magical means of communication that binds two like-minded souls together. It transcends time, borders, and limits. It is the voluntary act of two beautiful people who are comfortable enough to spill their guts on papers without any fear, judgment and pressure. That's what makes snail mail so unique, and meritorious. 

I send/wish to send forward... Words! They are the only things that I can share with the world at the moment. I on and off give away some postcards, stationery and teabags, but giveaways shouldn't be the focus of snail mail. I would like to send words to people, something they may have never read before. A story of a stranger at its best. 

One story, something good that happened wich was provided by the joy of letterwriting.
There are numerous stories that brought a huge smile (or pain!) onto my life. The best story I can tell everyone is my own love story. I met my current spouse three years ago via a penpal website, and we wrote loquacious letters to each other before discovering love. He was from Korea, and back then I was in Europe. We had nothing to lose, and nothing to gain, either. We corresponded back and forth, and saw that we were kindred spirits, soulmates and good friends. We fell in love with each other because we read each other's deepest and darkest pieces. We got lost in the mazes of each other, and as a result decided to live together. We lived in my home country (Turkey) last year, and now I am in South Korea, and have been enjoying East Asia with him. I guess that's the most splendid story I have ever had regarding penpalling!

Personally, I admit this is one the most beautiful stories I've known, provided by snailmail. The possibility of building bridges among strangers and the opportunity of gaining a friend for life, or, as in Bahanur's case, her soulmate. 

Keep tagging your pictures with our hashtag #senditforwardp for a chance to get featured.

With love,

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